Influenza virus and orthomyxovirus is a single stranded RNA virus capable of causing diseases in humans, birds and animals. As per data from DGHs, Government of India, till 12th Dec 2010, samples from 201804 tested of Influenza A H1N1, 64065 (23%) having been found positive with 2727 death.

Vaccines for influenza are preferably trivalent, giving protection against H1N1 and H3N2 providing 70-90% protection.

Whom to give the vaccine?

1. Congenital and acquired immune deficiency
2. Chronic cardiac, pulmonary and hematology, renal, liver diseases and diabetes mellitus.
3. Children on long Aspirin therapy.
4. Neurologic diseases with resultant respiratory compromise.
5. Asthma requiring oral steroids.
6. And other children on demand by parents on named basis.

When to give?

In India influenza occur throughout the year though peaking during June and September.
Vaccine can be given anytime in the year.

How to give?

Primary immunization in 6 months to 9 years of age includes two doses, given one apart.
Children over 9 years are given only one dose. Revaccination is recommended for all ages once every year.