Patients waiting at OPD area

Since its inception in 2004, Mother’s Care Children Hospital has continuously strived towards better healthcare of newborns and children in this region with main thrust towards care of neonates and children of the poor and weaker section. We always believe that health care, excellent as it may be, is useless if not affordable. Hence we always aimed at affordability as a priority. Unique, as it may be, in the world of private and corporate hospitals, we accept patients without any advance monetary deposits at the time of admission.

One of the most popular programs in our hospital is the FREE O.P.D. run by Dr. Kh. Ratanumar Singh, Chairman cum Managing Director. He examines 10 to 15 patients every day except on Saturday and Sunday free of cost. Generally there is big rush at 4:00 pm every evening in our hospital just to avail of this rare opportunity. A system of giving fee concession to poor indoor patients is also followed.

The parents of admitted children with low socio economic status are observed by various members of the Management during their stay in the hospital in terms of their resources, their purchasing capacity of prescribed drugs, attire, etc. At discharge, information collected from all angles are pooled together and the decision of providing fee concession is decided by the Management at the time of discharge of the patient.